Kedah Tua: Sejarah Arkeologi & Naratif Baharu

Kedah Tua: Sejarah Arkeologi & Naratif Baharu

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Buku ini memaparkan tiga aspek utama naratif baharu. Pertama, sistem politik dan penempatan Kedah Tua tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai sebuah pusat pentadbiran dan kerajaan tetapi juga meliputi struktur politik, pusat ekonomi, populasi dan kompleks pentadbiran.

Kedua, ekonomi Lembah Bujang tidak hanya berfokus kepada aktiviti perdagangan antarabangsa tetapi juga memiliki kepelbagaian aktiviti ekonomi termasuk industri serta pengumpulan sumber hutan dan maritim.

Ketiga, kebudayaan dan demografi, berkaitan cara hidup yang terbahagi kepada tiga segmen, iaitu pedagang asing yang mengamalkan agama Hindu-Buddha dan kepercayaan masing- masing, golongan pemerintah dan bangsawan yang kehidupannya sedikit dipengaruhi amalan Hindu-Buddha dan terakhir, masyarakat tempatan yang mengamalkan cara hidup asal.

This book presents three key aspects of the new narratives. First, the Ancient Kedah settlement and political system not only functioned as a centre of administration and government, but also comprised the political structure, economic centre, population and administrative complex.

Second, the economy of Lembah Bujang not only focused on international trade, but there existed diversity in terms of the economic activities carried out, such as industry and the collection of forest and maritime resources.

Third, in terms of culture and demography, this relates to ways of life which are divided into three segments, namely foreign traders who practiced Hindu-Buddha religion and their own beliefs, rulers and noblemen whose lives were somewhat influenced by Hindu-Buddhist practices and lastly, the local communities that held on to their original way of life.

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